Selasa, 22 Juli 2008


MORIHEI UESHIBA founded the martial art of AIKIDO and is afforded the title O'SENSEI
(O' = "Great", Sensei + "Teacher")

At various times he had been a farmer, community leader, Sergeant in the Japanese Army during the Russo-Japanese War, martial arts instructor in both KENDO (Japanese fencing) and JU-JUTSU. Throughout his life he was an outspoken social critic. On several occasions he resigned civic positions rather than enforce rules he opposed.

In 1925, while living in a pacifistic commune, O'Sensei was inspired to refine Ju-Jutsu into a peaceful martial art, which would embody the moral ideal of not meeting force with force. Rather, O'Sensei sought methods for redirecting an opponent's strength without blocking, grappling or hitting. He began teaching the new martial art to the general public in the 1930's. In 1942, discouraged by Japan's decision to go to war, he moved to his Iwama farm/dojo and formally called his art "AIKIDO" (AI = "Harmonious" KI = "Spirit" DO = "the Way")

For the rest of his life O'Sensei dedicated himself to spreading the philosophy and practice of Aikido. His impressive demonstrations against multiple opponents, often experts of other martial arts, generated much interest in Aikido in Japan and throughout the world.

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